
Hammersmith and Fulham Career Cluster – Work Experience Opportunities

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Mar 11 2022

The following 12 schools have signed up to the Hammersmith & Fulham Careers Cluster, funded by Greater London Authority (GLA).  The Careers Cluster is programme delivered by LMP Action. The overarching aim of the programme is to provide a vibrant collection of careers and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) support for educational institutions, teachers, and students in Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F). 

  • Ark Burlington Danes
  • Phoenix Academy
  • Fulham Cross Girl School
  • Fulham Cross Boys School
  • The Fulham Boys School
  • West London Free School
  • Sacred Heart High School
  • Hurlingham Academy
  • Hammersmith Academy
  • Woodlane High School

Employer-Led Programmes:

We have designed employer-led programmes to address common gaps identified in each of these school’s Training Needs Analysis. We have 10 programmes that we are hosting for your teachers, students, and parents. We have only received responses from 2 (The Ormiston Bridge Academy and William Morris Sixth Form).

Please complete this short form, detailing all programmes we have on offer to engage your students/staff/teachers and confirm their interest in participating.

Work Experience:

Furthermore, as part of our offering, we are also providing students with 5 days of work experience with employers throughout the year (including the holidays). This is a valuable way for your students to increase their professional experience and gain employer insight. Please can you share the following form with your students and encourage them to complete if they are interested in undertaking a placement. The form allows us to best match students to the opportunities we have. We have a range of exciting placements being offered during Easter and are keen for students to get involved! 

  • Microsoft Form (Student Work Experience) -
  • ‘The placement offered by the Hammersmith & Fulham Career Cluster definitely gave me the opportunity to learn more about the profession and well as provide me with skills to support my career in the Future.’ Testimony from Year 11 Student [Hammersmith Academy]

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Shani Wijemuni, Programme Manager (

Microsoft Form (Employer Led Programmes)

Microsoft Form (Student Work Experience)

Please share with students the application to undertake Work Experience during the Easter Holidays by 18th March 2022.  Please complete Form by 25th March 2022

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