
Hammersmith and Fulham Careers Cluster support during May Half Term and June 2022

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Apr 28 2022

Please see following information from Mona Vadher, Director, Let Me Play Action:

We have arranged three, industry specific work experience programmes for your students.  The industries are construction & built environment, hospitality and politics.

We are also offering a suite of LMI sessions and CPD for your teachers so they can better understand the local labour market and use this to help students in their options.

These 12 schools have signed up to the Hammersmith & Fulham Careers Cluster, funded by Greater London Authority (GLA).  The Careers Cluster is programme delivered by LMP Action. The overarching aim of the programme is to provide a vibrant collection of careers and Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) support for educational institutions, teachers, and students in Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F). 

1. May Half Term: Work Experience Streams

We are running three, hybrid work experience programmes during the May Half Term (Monday 30th May- Friday 2nd June 2022). The work experience streams explore careers within the Political, Construction and Hospitality sectors. The streams have designed to support students increase their professional experience and gain employer insight. We have 5-6 employers on each stream who will be offering valuable insight of what it is like to work within these industries.  Three days are in-person and two days will be hybrid due to the Bank Holiday and students will have a project designed by the employers.


ACTION: Please can you share the following form with your students and encourage them to complete if they are interested in undertaking a placement: Microsoft Form (Student Work Experience) -

2. Local Labour Market Information CPD

We are also providing a suite of CPD for up to 200 teachers within the Borough on Local Labour Market Intelligence (LMI). LMI is a useful tool for students to help research future jobs in the local area, understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment. The programme will seek to provide teachers with relevant information that can be embedded in curriculum and aid students.

ACTION: If you think your staff will find this interesting,  then please share so they can register their interest using the form below: Microsoft Form (Local Labour Market) -

  1. Please share with students and parents the application to undertake Work Experience during the May Half Term. Deadline for applications to be submitted is Sunday 8th May 2022.
  1. Please share with your teaching staff should they wish to be involved in enhancing their knowledge on local LMI and how best to support their students in applying this practically.

 If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Shani Wijemuni, Programme Manager ( or Mona Vadher, Director (

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