
Update from the NHS and Public Health in North West London to get your child vaccinated over half-term

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Oct 10 2022

Letter uploaded on behalf of NWL Vaccination and Immunisations Team

Dear Parent

 REMINDER: Update from the NHS and Public Health in North West London to get your child vaccinated over half-term

We are writing to all parents of school aged children to remind you to keep up to date with their vaccinations.

Most children aged one to nine need to receive the polio vaccination to keep them safe from its devastating effects. Whilst it is urgent for your child to have the polio vaccination now, it is also important to check your child is up to date with their covid, flu and MMR immunisations as we enter the winter period.

Lots of half-term appointments are available through local pharmacies, walk-ins centres (no appointment needed) and booked appointments. You can find all the details of places to get your child’s polio vaccination here
Please check with the school about arrangements for the nasal flu vaccine in school.

 Why is the polio booster so important?

Polio can result in life-long paralysis and other disabilities, and in extreme cases, even death. There is no cure for polio, immunisation is the only protection.

The additional booster vaccination for all children aged one to nine is being provided in response to the alarming findings that the poliovirus has been found in sewage samples taken in London. It provides the best possible protection, and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) have instructed that most children aged 1 to 9 in London should urgently get a booster dose to ensure they are fully protected.

We have not seen a live case of polio in the UK since 1984, and it is vital that we prevent any community spread.

More information and frequently asked questions about the polio vaccination programme for children can be found here:

Best wishes,

NWL Vaccination and Immunisations Team


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