
Measles Outbreaks: Protecting Our Community. FREE MMR vaccination available at GP practices

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Feb 14 2024

Recent measles outbreaks in the West Midlands and London are worrying, especially as measles spreads quickly in unvaccinated settings like nurseries and schools, posing risks to vulnerable groups.

While the MMR vaccine is highly effective in preventing measles, only 66% of children in H&F have received both doses, leaving one in three unprotected.

Staff working with children play a crucial role in informing parents and carers:

  • Two doses of the MMR can give lifelong protection against measles, mumps, and rubella
  • The vaccine is available free of charge with no age limit at the family GP practice.

Here is how to address two identified parents and carers' concerns:

  1. Some worry about pork in the MMR vaccine. Parents and carers can request the pork-free vaccine from their GP practice
  2. There is a misconception that the MMR vaccine causes autism in children. This claim is not true, and numerous studies have confirmed the safety of the vaccine.

Click here to download letter re ‘DPH letter MMR’ by Dr Nicola Lang, Director of Public Health

covers measles outbreaks, eases vaccine concerns, and urges families to vaccinate children for community safety. Please distribute it within your community.

For further inquiries, families can contact the Public Health team at or consult their GP practice.

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