
EY: Share your experiences of maternity support services: residents survey

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Mar 22 2024

For females aged 18 plus who are currently pregnant and/ or have given birth in the last 5 years, and use/ have used Northwick Park maternity services.

See message below from Harrow Council Public Health Team. This has been shared with you, as the H&F public health team will be able to extract data specific to H&F at the end of the survey. It will give those living in North West London the chance to add their voice.


Would you be willing to share your experiences of local maternity support services? This would help to shape local services, and influence understanding about how to make sure that everyone – mothers and their babies – has the best experience possible.

A survey (“MISSES survey”) has been developed by Harrow Council Public Health team, in partnership with Imperial College London. Females aged 18 plus, who are currently pregnant, and/ or who have given birth in the last five years, either living in Harrow, or who used Northwick Park maternity services, is welcome to complete the survey. The survey is available in many different languages.

For more information about the survey, and to access it, please visit Imperial College London maternity survey. The survey closes Friday 14 June 2024.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best wishes

Harrow Council Public Health Team

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