
Playground Pals Training

Playground Pals Training

  •  June 11, 2024
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Partner Schools : £70 per person Non Partner Schools: £100 per person

Do you struggle with knowing how to train and support your playground activity leaders (PALs)?

Learn how to implement a whole school playtime buddy strategy in this 90-minute online masterclass.

Here’s what you’ll get (and how it will help).

Step by step strategy for introducing your Playground Buddies into the playground – so you know exactly what to do when

Tried and tested lesson plans – so you can deliver playground buddy training without adding to your workload

Ready-to-go playtime activity resources your Playground PALs can use in the playground – so you don’t have to create your own

Benefits of taking part in this training:

Create more active and inclusive playgrounds

Less staff time spent resolving conflicts (which means more time for teaching and learning)

Reduce bullying incidents (along with accidents/injuries)

You’ll learn how to train Year 5 and 6 children to be Playground PALs
