
EY Provisional SEND Transition Day: Register your interest

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May 10 2024

As a PVI, would you be interested in attending an ‘in-person’ information sharing session to support children with SEND from your setting with their transition to primary school? It will be an opportunity to do a handover to school SENCo’s using the new transition forms.

What the session may look like:
SENCo’s from Hammersmith and Fulham Schools would attend the event all day. This will run like speed dating with 4 bookable time slots (approximately 1 hour) for nurseries. We hope you will be able to meet with your Primary SENCO and share SEND transition forms for approx. 10 minutes per school in your allocated time slot. If you need additional time, you will be able to contact the SENCO at a later stage. This means you would only be out of the nursery for an hour, plus travel time.

If a sufficient number of PVIs would like to attend, this will be set up to take place on Wednesday 26 June and more information will follow. 

Register your interest by completing the form at  by Friday 17 May, 5pm


Early Years team


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