
Understanding the current inspection frameworks for EYFS & Primary settings with Phil Minns HMI

Understanding the current inspection frameworks for EYFS & Primary settings with Phil Minns HMI

  •  December 10, 2021
     9:30 am - 11:30 am

Phil Minns, HMI, maintained schools and academies

Phil Minns is Ofsted’s specialist adviser for early years and primary with extensive leadership experience in early education. He has many years of experience as a head teacher in 3 different schools, including leading schools out of special measures and developing schools to become outstanding. Phil was awarded National Leader of Education status and first became one of Her Majesty’s School Inspectors following a yearlong secondment to Ofsted. Phil has also been an assistant director of children’s services and the CEO of a multi-academy trust containing primary, secondary and special schools.

Highly recommended for Headteachers and Subject Leaders in schools. 



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