
Academies and the DfE White Paper- What do Governors need to know?

Academies and the DfE White Paper- What do Governors need to know?

  •  February 23, 2023
     5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

The Academisation Agenda

The DfE’s White Paper: Opportunity For All – Strong Schools with Great Teachers for Your Child, highlights the government’s ambition to achieve a “fully trust led system” by 2030.

We are running three sessions for school leaders and governors to gain a better understanding of the academy structure, ask questions about the process of academisation and explore the key points to consider.

We strongly recommend delegates attend all three sessions.

Session 1: What is an academy and how is it different? What is a MAT? 10.11.22

Session 2: White paper implications and how to evaluate MATs 5.12.22

Session 3: Focus to be confirmed during session on 05/12. 23.2.23

Please book via GovernorHub


Free to Learning Partnership Premium Schools (all maintained schools) and to Boards subscribed to the LBHF Governance SLA. One free Governor place per school.

£130 per session for all other settings and additional places.



This event will be held over MS Teams.

Once registered, a link will be sent to your registered email prior to the event.