
Aiming for greater depth in writing, KS2: fiction and non-fiction 14.1.22 & 8.2.21

Aiming for greater depth in writing, KS2: fiction and non-fiction 14.1.22 & 8.2.21

  • Day 1
     January 14, 2022
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Day 2
     February 8, 2022
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm

We will develop a shared understanding of what greater depth writing looks like at KS2, focussing in particular on ‘effective and coherent’.  We will use our high-quality reading experiences as a stimulus for writing to motivate children to write, to widen our pupils’ vocabular and to develop a writer’s voice.  We will plan opportunities for pupils to produce sustained pieces of writing for a range of purposes, including fiction and non-fiction.  We will explore ways from moving pupils from retelling familiar stories to crating their own independent stories


Understand what ‘effectively and coherently’ looks like

Plan opportunities for pupils to write for a range of purposes, both fiction and non-fiction

Enable pupils to write their own stories based on high quality texts

Course led by Eleanor Martlew and delegates must attend both sessions

Sessions free to H&F LA maintained schools otherwise charges apply



This meeting will be held on Zoom