
Computing: Subject Leader Network (PLP)

Computing: Subject Leader Network (PLP)

  • Autumn
     October 5, 2023
     4:00 pm
  • Spring
     February 8, 2024
     4:00 pm
  • Summer
     May 9, 2024
     4:00 pm

We welcome John Jefferies to lead these subject leader network meetings.

Each term the subject leader network meeting has a different theme and each session is highly influenced by current curriculum and technology exploration and developments. We hope the sessions will enable you to keep on top of these developments and help to inform your subject leadership role and classroom planning.

· Help you to keep up to date with national and local developments including resources

· Share examples of ways in which schools have built and developed their school curriculum for Computing, including planning in cross curricular opportunities.

· Provide you with the opportunity to network with teachers from other schools and share experiences, approaches and resources.

· Explore an aspect of the computing curriculum in more detail.


Please click on the following link to register:  The Learning Partnership | Course Details
