
Creative Mfl Teaching

Creative Mfl Teaching

  •  November 7, 2023
     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


  • What does an outstanding language lesson look and feel like? Language teaching strategies to build confidence

  • Creative language learning and motivating language learners, no matter what your level of language

  • To include a practical follow up task

Check-in twilight session – 1hr to assist with task / implementation – £150 7th November 2023

Follow up session – half day – £250 27th February 2024

Led by Joanne Eccleshare

Joanne has taught and trained with Primary Languages Network since 2008. She is a primary teacher specialising in MFL. Joanne is passionate about creative and dynamic language learning for all children and brings this to her training courses.

Joanne has trained ITT trainees and classroom teachers on behalf of Severn TSH, Liverpool John Moores University, CLTA, Ignite TS, Bright Futures, TSH Berkshire and many more. This year, she is also delivering a series of workshops on Primary Languages for NASBTT. You can follow Joanne on Twitter @joanne_PLN.

Access to resources dashboard until July ’24 to support classroom practice – free

Please click on following link to register for this session: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
