October 6, 2022
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
This course will be particularly useful for governors who may be required to sit on complaints panels.
In accordance with Section 29 of the Education Act 2002, all LA maintained schools must have, and make available, a procedure to deal with all complaints relating to their school and to any community facilities or services that the school provides.
Any person, including members of the general public, may make a complaint about any provision of facilities or services that a school provides.
Complaints can be one of the most difficult issues a school has to deal with. If not handled well in the early stages they can become protracted, adversarial and have the potential for further legal action.
This course is relevant to governors of all school settings. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the school’s complaints procedure and the statutory duties placed on governing boards of Local Authority (LA) maintained schools. However, the principles are applicable to all schools.
The purpose is to ensure:
•All governors are aware and confident in the knowledge of national and local best practice advice and guidance on school complaints procedures.
•Demonstrate an understanding of the legal requirements for schools to have in place a distinct policy to deal with all complaints.
•Confidently work with the school leadership team to review, update and monitor the school’s complaints policy.
Free to Learning Partnership Premium Schools (all maintained schools) and to Boards subscribed to the LBHF Governance SLA. One free Governor place per school.
£70 per session for all other settings and additional places.
Please book this session via GovernorHub.
Venue: Online MS Teams
This event will be held over MS Teams.
Once registered, a link will be sent to your registered email prior to the event.