
Postponed: Early Years Developing Transitions

Postponed: Early Years Developing Transitions

  •  March 31, 2022
     10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Transitions are an inevitable part in every child’s journey.  We encourage you to develop and review your practice, by being a self-reflective practitioner, critiquing and reviewing your current practice to improve and enhance your pedagogy.  Facilitating transitions for children is a challenge in all settings.  This course focuses on the role of the Key Person within transitions and how they provide emotional security for children and parents. You will have an opportunity to consider the guidance available and implications for your practice.  To ensure the wellbeing, attachment, play and learning needs of every child are met, transition conversations and plans that are well thought out and given time will be essential in your practice covering many aspects which include:


  • Sharing the child’s learning story, the child’s developmental and learning needs
  • Attachment needs and early trauma
  • Support and partnership of parents and carers
  • Support and partnership of practitioners, teachers and leaders in both current and future setting or school
  • Learning environment set up – similarities and differences between rooms and settings
  • Home visits carried out to visit the child and family in their natural and comfortable (usually) home environment

Value placed on child’s involvement, consultation and participation in the process

