October 5, 2023
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm -
Spring Term
February 22, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm -
Summer Term
May 16, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
A twilight session with the EAL Academy for EAL coordinators in primary schools.
The EAL Leader Network allows EAL leaders to share good practice with each other under the guidance of a highly experienced EAL Leader.
This session will focus specifically on those EAL pupils who are completely New to English, exploring good practice in preparing for their arrival as well as helpful induction procedures to ensure pupils settle quickly.
This session will focus specifically on those EAL pupils at the early stages of acquiring English – beginning to ‘find their feet’ and communicate but needing considerable support to feel included and to access classroom tasks
We will share successful approaches and invite you to bring along ideas you’ve found helpful as well as challenges we can discuss together. You’ll return to your school equipped with practical ideas to support EAL pupiis at the early stages of acquiring English – to use in your classroom and to share with colleagues
The EAL Leader Network allows EAL leaders to share good practice with each other under the guidance of a highly experienced EAL Leader. This session will focus specifically on those EAL pupils who seemingly communicate easily but who can struggle with the more academic language of classroom discussions and texts.
Please click here to register: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
Venue: Online