
Early Years Funding Proposals 2022/23

Early Years Funding Proposals 2022/23

  •  February 3, 2022
     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

This session provides attendees an update on the proposed allocation of Early Years Block funding for 2022/23 and explains the impact of this on the participation model for all providers.  This session outlines the proposals for the funding allocation and provides an opportunity for stakeholders to be consulted on the proposals.  Summary explanations will be provided for the following areas:

  • Universal entitlement for 3- & 4-YO
  • Additional entitlement working parents 3- & 4-YO
  • Disadvantaged 2-YO, Early Years (EY) Pupil Premium
  • Disability Access Fund
  • Maintained Nursery School Supplementary Funding. 



All Early Years Providers, Maintained Nursery Schools, Primary Schools with Nursery Provision Headteachers, Managers, Business Support Officers



This event will be held over MS Teams.

Once registered, a link will be sent to your registered email prior to the event.