March 1, 2023
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
This course will look at the responsibilities of the Governors in the exclusion process.
It will focus on the role of governors at the discipline committee hearing and current legislation and guidance around exclusions; It will also consider which pupils are most vulnerable to exclusion from their school.
This course will increase governors’ awareness of their role in respect of exclusions; provide information on current legislation and guidance which will ensure Headteachers are complying with legislation, reduce chances of an exclusion being overturned on appeal and enable governors to hold the Headteacher to account.
Free to Learning Partnership Premium Schools (all maintained schools) and to Boards subscribed to the LBHF Governance SLA. One free Governor place per school.
£70 per place for all other settings and additional places.
Book via GovernorHub
Venue: Online MS Teams
This event will be held over MS Teams.
Once registered, a link will be sent to your registered email prior to the event.