
New to EYFS Practitioners and Leadership

New to EYFS Practitioners and Leadership

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  •  September 26, 2024
     4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

This session will focus on current statutory documents and how they must be used alongside research and professional development opportunities to underpin developmentally informed practice and provision. Examples of well-informed practice and provision will be shared.

Free to all H&F Learning Partnership Schools (all H&F Maintained Schools and settings)

To book this course click here: The Learning Partnership | Course Details

About the Trainer:

Dr Sue Allingham started as a teacher, finally becoming a Senior Early Years Lead in a Primary School and Lead Teacher for her Local Authority. Moving into research Sue gained an MA then a Doctorate, both in Early Childhood Education, from Sheffield University. This led to becoming a Local Authority Early Years Adviser enabling her to develop her practice working with provision across the EYFS. As an Independent Consultant, Author and Trainer, Sue is known for her practical style of working through coaching, mentoring, modelling, training and working alongside teams to develop practice and provision. Her interests in teaching and learning have led to work on emotional and physical environments that will support informed teaching and learning. This work has recently led to her being trained and accredited in the Brain-SET approach. This approach is rooted in early brain development and has added a new dimension to her work. As Consultant Editor of EYE (Early Years Educator) her writing is familiar to many and she has written two books that support practice across the Early Years and into Key Stage One – Transitions in the Early Years and Emotional Literacy in the Early Years. Both published by Practical Pre-School Books
