
Geography: Subject Leader Network (PLP)

Geography: Subject Leader Network (PLP)

  • Autumn
     October 17, 2023 - October 18, 2023
     3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
  • Spring
     March 5, 2024
     3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
  • Summer
     April 23, 2024
     3:45 pm - 5:15 pm

A twilight session with Nell Seal for Geography coordinators in primary schools.

The Geography Leader Network allows leaders to share good practice with each other under the guidance of a highly experienced Geography Leader.

A chance to share successful practice, receive updates on national and local curriculum developments, and to further develop your leadership/curriculum skills. Subsequent network session content will be co-created between participants and Nell.

  • national updates and guidance

  • good practice sharing including resources, ideas, exemplars from schools

  • OfSTED updates

  • Provide you with the opportunity to network with teachers from other schools and share experiences, approaches and resources.

Please click on following link to register:  The Learning Partnership | Course Details
