
H&F Prevent Refresher: Workshop Raising Awareness Prevent (WRAP) refresher

H&F Prevent Refresher: Workshop Raising Awareness Prevent (WRAP) refresher

  •  February 28, 2023
     5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Workshop Raising Awareness of Prevent (refresher training)

60-minute Workshop Raising Awareness of Prevent (WRAP), delivered by the Prevent Education Officer for Hammersmith & Fulham Council. Specifically for education providers, this workshop is designed for those who have received Prevent training in the past two years.

The aim of the government’s Prevent Strategy is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Attendees will gain sector-specific knowledge of the strategy, including best practice for schools to comply with the Prevent duty, the warning signs of radicalisation and how to get help.

Please book via GovernorHub



This event will be held over MS Teams.

Once registered, a link will be sent to your registered email prior to the event.