October 15, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
A twilight session with Andrew Wrenn for History coordinators in primary schools.
The History Leader meeting allows leaders to share good practice with each other under the guidance of a highly experienced History lead.
A chance to share successful practice, receive updates on national and local curriculum developments, and to further develop your leadership/curriculum skills. Subsequent network session content will be co-created between participants and Andrew.
national updates and guidance
good practice sharing including resources, ideas, exemplars from schools
OFSTED updates
- Provide you with the opportunity to network with teachers from other schools and share experiences, approaches and resources.
Free to all H&F Learning Partnership Schools (all H&F Maintained Schools and settings)
To book this course click here: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
About the Trainer:
Andrew Wrenn is a freelance History Education consultant. He is also a Teacher Fellow and recent trustee of the Historical Association, a UK subject organisation which promotes the teaching of history cross-phrase. Andrew is a national assessor for the Historical Associations Quality Mark Award for the teaching of history in primary and secondary schools. He is a former LA advisor for history and humanities and is an experienced teacher, trainer and writer. Andrew has had educational materials and articles published by the Historical Association, the BBC, Pearson, HarperCollins and the Oxford and Cambridge University Presses. He steered the Historical Association
s KS2/3 History Transition Project and co-authored a government-sponsored HA report on Teaching Emotive and Controversial History 3-19. Andrew is a regular contributor to national UK history conferences and has also led CPD internationally in Paris, the Baltic States, Oman and Nigeria. He wrote an upper KS2 World History curriculum for teaching in Kazakh schools and his materials are in use in schools as far afield as Australia and Pakistan as well as in the UK.
Venue: Online