October 19, 2023
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm -
March 7, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm -
June 6, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
A twilight session with Andrew Wrenn for History coordinators in primary schools.
The History Leader meeting allows leaders to share good practice with each other under the guidance of a highly experienced History lead.
A chance to share successful practice, receive updates on national and local curriculum developments, and to further develop your leadership/curriculum skills. Subsequent network session content will be co-created between participants and Andrew.
national updates and guidance
good practice sharing including resources, ideas, exemplars from schools
OfSTED updates
- Provide you with the opportunity to network with teachers from other schools and share experiences, approaches and resources.
6th June 2023: The focus of the next meeting is Issues in leading Primary History Two.
This will present colleagues attending with the thoughts of the subject leader of a fictional school where planning is loose on the grounds of maintenance of a creative curriculum approach.
There will be opportunities to consider what a subject leader might do to improve history teaching and learning in this kind of setting with sugggestions that are relevant to any subject leader.
Please click on following link to register: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
Venue: Online