
History Through Drama at KS2 (PLP)

History Through Drama at KS2 (PLP)

  •  January 31, 2024
     4:00 pm - 5:15 pm

Drama can be used as a highly effective and memorable way of teaching and learning History. ‘Drama for Learning’ strategies can be used by teachers, that enable whole classes to actively engage with significant historical events and characters, and with authentic images and texts.

During this online session, teachers will be taken a step at a time, through a KS2 ‘History Through Drama’ unit based on the discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb. Each strategy used, will be explained it terms of what it is offering the learners.

Consideration will also be given, to the ways in which history can be re-told from different viewpoints.


  • A Drama Contract

  • A Drama Strategies booklet

  • A History Through Drama lesson plan

  • A copy of the Powerpoint (as a PDF)

  • A relevant published article

Please click on following link to register: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
