November 7, 2022
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
The Local Authority has a statutory responsibility to moderate the end-of-key-stage teacher assessment judgements in at least 25% of schools and academies each year for KS1 and KS2 writing. Locally, this process is carried out under the direction of the LA Moderation Manager, using a team of appropriately qualified pool moderators that includes school-based colleagues.
Application forms for the lead moderator role are available for those colleagues who have previously been a pool moderator and who would like to take on the lead moderator role.
Those who may be new to the role or considering this for the first time are invited to complete an application form and if selected can contact Chris Cosker to arrange a meeting to learn about the role, what it involves, and details of the STA approved training that must be successfully completed before a candidate may be appointed to the role.
Those who were moderators last year do not need to complete an application form unless they were a Pool moderator and want to apply to become a Lead. Moderators must inform Chris Cosker that their headteacher agrees to them continuing this year. They still have to complete the standardisation exercise.
This training is mandatory and all candidates must be able to attend a half day’s online training.
This training will be followed by the standardisation exercise which must be successfully completed in order to gain formal STA approval as a lead or pool moderator.
Lead moderator standardisation exercise takes place between 8th November and 17th November 2022. (Actual day to be confirmed)
Those engaged in this role in the past have described being a moderator as a very valuable and worthwhile professional development opportunity that has wider impact within their own school.
For a full job description and application form, please contact Christine Cosker [email protected] Application forms need to be completed and returned by 31st October 2022.
Venue: Online MS Teams
This event will be held over MS Teams.
Once registered, a link will be sent to your registered email prior to the event.