
Postponed – Leading Organisational Change Online Workshop

Postponed – Leading Organisational Change Online Workshop

  •  March 30, 2022
     11:00 am - 12:30 pm

This session has been postponed until the Summer Term. We will update you on the new date nearer the time. 

Do you want to learn the steps involved in handling a successful reorganisation within your school? This 1.5-hour workshop with the Schools HR Team will set out the key considerations to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to manage restructures confidently and effectively.

Course objectives:

  • Enable schools to identify the issues that may prompt change
  • How to plan and prepare effectively
  • The role of the governing body
  • Understanding the timescale and steps involved from identifying the need for change through to drafting and implementing your proposal
  • Considering the options to minimise change and avoid redundancies
  • Setting out your proposal for change
  • Understanding the financial implications considering the current and the proposed structures
  • Obtaining estimates in advance of the costs of any redundancies
  • Understanding the implications for each affected member of staff
  • Understanding the need to consult with staff and trade unions and the importance of following a fair and correct process
  • The importance of seeking HR advice and support at an early stage

Who should attend?  SBMs and School leaders who are responsible for workforce planning


£20     per delegate for schools that purchase our HR SLA

£52      per delegate for schools that do not purchase our HR SLA

This session will be held on Microsoft Teams



This event will be held over MS Teams.

Once registered, a link will be sent to your registered email prior to the event.