October 2, 2023
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
The day will aim to be nurturing with a mix of practical ideas and theory to support schools and settings wherever they are on their nurture journey.
The conference will be led by Jeni Barnacle who brings her own experience of twenty years of using nurturing approaches as a teacher, headteacher, consultant and trainer and led nurtureuk’s pilot Nurture Hub project.
Jeni will be sharing
- an overview of nurture approaches and nurture principles
- her experience as one of the first to embed nurture principles as a whole school approach transforming a failing school into a vibrant learning community
- the impact of using The Boxall Profile(™) as whole school screening tool for school improvement
- how to create a nurturing curriculum and environment
- The benefits of a whole school Toast Time
Draft Agenda:
10am – Intro and welcome
10.05am – Overview of nurture approaches and nurture principles
10.45am – Breakout for discussion
11.00am – feedback from discussion
11.15am – Drinks/toilet break
11.25am – Impact on your school of embedding nurture principles
12.00pm – Lunch
12.30pm – Boxall Profile- how using it provides evidence to identify needs & informs practice
1.00pm – Breakouts to discuss use of Boxall
1.15pm – feedback from discussion
1.30pm – Drinks/toilet break
1.40pm – How to create a nurturing curriculum and environment & Toast Time
2.10pm – Breakouts to discuss
2.30pm – feedback from discussion
2.45pm – open forum for questions and thoughts
£40 per person for Partner Schools
£80 per person for Affiliate Schools
£120 per person for non-members
Please click on the following link to register: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
Venue: Online