
RSHE / PSHE Leader Network (PLP)

RSHE / PSHE Leader Network (PLP)

  • Autumn
     October 12, 2023
     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
  • Spring
     March 21, 2024
     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
  • Summer
     June 18, 2024
     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The statutory components of R(S)HE is, in many schools now at the heart of the curriculum, within a wider framework of PSHE education. We know that this can impact positively on safeguarding, physical and emotional health and pupils’ attainment. So where are we now? This session will reflect on the rationale for high-quality PSHE education, enable participants to reflect on how they have adapted their curriculum to improve on pupil (and staff) wellbeing, and how this contributes to the OFSTED expectations around personal development. We will also be seeking colleagues’ views for future training needs.

Please click on the following link to register:  The Learning Partnership | Course Details
