
Science Subject Leader Network (PLP)

Science Subject Leader Network (PLP)

  • Autumn
     October 10, 2023
     4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
  • Spring
     February 6, 2024
     4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
  • Summer
     June 24, 2024
     4:00 pm - 5:15 pm

Our science network meetings run once a term online making them easily accessible to all teachers. Each session will have a specific focus, this will be decided upon based on either the requirements of the subject leaders or alternatively newly released reports or initiatives, and will also include updates on resources, grants, funding and the national picture and it also provides an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and share best practice.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Consider how new initiatives in science might be implemented across school, in order to improve the quality of thinking and learning.
  • Look at new resources available.
  • Update both principles and practice by sharing national and local initiatives.
  • Have the opportunity to network virtually with other science leaders.
  • Discuss issues for moving science forward in their schools.

Please click on the following link to register: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
