
SENCO Online Coffee Morning

SENCO Online Coffee Morning

  •  June 13, 2024
     9:00 am - 10:30 am

SENCO Coffee Morning


Whether you are a coffee drinker or not, any beverage is about the right combination to refreshment and nutrition! The SENCO Coffee Morning is no different. Each session, eight SENCOs have the opportunity to:

09:00 – 10:30am: Receive refreshment through CPD exploring ‘How to enable all teaching staff to take responsibility for SEND’ – including leading a whole school approach to SEND. This includes top tips, case studies and practical tools. This is lead by Dr Anita Devi #TeamADL 90 minutes – open to all

10:45 – 12:00pm: Be nurtured through a Groups Supervision Session. This is led by Jenny Bowers #TeamADL Supervision is about the three Rs: resolve, restore and reset. 75 minutes – places limited to 8

Your health and wellbeing matters to us!


Please click here to register:  The Learning Partnership | Course Details