
SLCN Training & Resource Opportunity – H&F Primary Schools – INSPIRE – Part 2

SLCN Training & Resource Opportunity – H&F Primary Schools – INSPIRE – Part 2

  •  December 5, 2022
     3:15 pm - 4:00 pm

Early Identification, Early Intervention ….

The JCT are an integrated team and will work in partnership with setting/school staff, other professionals, parents and children and young people to maximise communication for learning, socialisation and independence.

As part of a commitment to addressing the needs of SEN Support pupils, INSPIRE JCT are delivering free Training – ‘Early Identification and Early Intervention’ for pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.

This online training is in 2 parts and following completion, schools receive the PRIMARY iCAN Progression Tools, funded by LA to use with a Graduated Approach.  Training delivered and fully supported with follow up by INSPRE JCT SLCN Specialists.

Settings/Schools will need to ensure that at least THREE members of staff attend both trainings.  One staff member as designated Lead Practitioner who is identified to monitor and evaluate the program …… for example this could be a Phase Leader, Literacy Lead, Assessment Lead, Senior Leader or SENCo/Inclusion Lead.

Booking Information.  Book at: [email protected]
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with pre training information and documentation.

General Enquiries: Schools that have completed training before are most welcome to send any new/additional staff to the training.

General Enquiries:  Andrea Boswell at [email protected]



This event will be held over MS Teams.

Once registered, a link will be sent to your registered email prior to the event.