January 30, 2024
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
This course offers strategies for teaching phonics and decoding skills to neurodivergent learners with barriers to literacy, including those with specific learning difficulties/dyslexia, complex needs and other language-based learning differences. The course will support identifying next steps in provision and planning for all approaches and scheme.
•This includes developing a deeper understanding of phonics and decoding as an important part of learning to read
•A focus on developing print awareness, phonological awareness, sight vocabulary, comprehension strategies and fluency to automaticity
•Assessing learners needs, looking at tools and techniques used to assess the phonics and decoding needs of students with SEND (including learners who may be pre/nonverbal)
•Creating effective phonics and decoding programmes, including selecting appropriate materials and using multisensory approaches.
•Monitoring and adjusting approaches, auditing your provision (using our new audit tool Sullivan and Moseley 2023) monitoring learners progress, and adjusting provision to meet needs
•Working with families, providing guidance on how to ensure effective home school engagement in this area.
Please click on following link to register: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
Venue: Online