
Teaching Reading to All Learners: 3 Session Programme (PLP)

Teaching Reading to All Learners: 3 Session Programme (PLP)

  • Session 2
     April 24, 2024
     12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • Session 3
     June 25, 2024
     12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • Session 1
     February 8, 2024
     12:30 pm - 2:30 pm


Teaching reading to all learners: 3 session programme:

8th February 2024,

24th April 2024,

25th June 2024: 12:30pm to 2:30pm

£80 per person per session for non-Partner schools

Free for all Partner Schools

Non Partner schools can book on all 3 sessions for £150.00

8th February 2024:

Part 1 Teaching Reading to All: Strategies for Progression and Success

• Auditing current provision – Where to begin and the importance of high expectations.

• Building on existing good practice and confidence

• Current research – what is emphasised? What evidence is it built on?

• Creating inclusive pathways/frameworks

• Developing accessible literacy-rich environments – examples of practice and ideas in action, strategies to use right now and ways to demonstrate outcomes.

24th April 2024:

Part 2 Identifying Gaps and Ensuring Inclusivity

• The role of foundation skills and understanding the teaching of reading

• Effective use of assessment to identify gaps, strengths, and next steps for all.

• Creating accessible and dynamic assessment systems – how to assess pre/nonverbal learners, older learners, and those with more complex needs.

• Examples of assessment in practice – demonstrating impact for all learners.

25th June 2024:

Part 3 Reading for All: Practical Strategies for Ensuring Inclusivity in Reading Instruction

• Practical ways into planning for an inclusive reading curriculum

• Using technology to enhance your literacy curriculum, promoting motivation and engagement.

• Bringing everyone with you – why involvement of families, professionals and whole school community is key to success and ways in to achieve this.

The sessions will be a combination of theory and practical based approaches and provide you with the opportunity to network and share ideas with colleagues from across mainstream and special school contexts. They are based on my firm belief that every action, no matter how small can make a difference!

Please click on following link to register
