
Upper KS2 Assessing Writing: Ensuring Fair and Accurate Judgements – 16.3.22

Upper KS2 Assessing Writing: Ensuring Fair and Accurate Judgements – 16.3.22

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  •  March 16, 2022
     2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Writing assessment/gaps analysis to move pupils on in their learning, upper KS2

In this session, we will look at a selection of writing from pupils in Y5 and Y6 to discuss what the pupils have been able to achieve and to agree appropriate next steps to ensure that pupils make the necessary progress. We will discuss appropriate feedback and the importance of marking for accuracy. The facilitator will take the opportunity to model proofreading, editing and redrafting.


  • To carry out gaps-analysis in writing to identify next steps to ensure that pupils make the necessary progress.
  • To understand the importance of explicit modelling of proofreading, editing and redrafting to pupils


Session led by Eleanor Martlew

Target Group Y5 & Y6 Teachers

Microsoft Teams

No Charge for LA maintained schools or £90pp otherwise



This meeting will be held on Zoom