October 5, 2023
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This is the first in a series of exciting sessions for colleagues in schools exploring how high quality texts can be used across the curriculum. For this one we welcome Paul Carney. We are delighted to share that delegates will also receive subscription to the Teachers’ Collection for 1 year. (https://theteacherscollection.com/) Curated by Mary Myatt and her team, they have identified some outstanding texts, demonstrated their connections to the national curriculum programmes of study, drafted some outline plans, and pulled together important vocabulary for each unit.
“Colour: Using high-quality books to support curriculum development in art & design.”
Join Paul Carney as he explores how the following high-quality texts can enrich primary pupil learning and be linked to disciplinary & theoretical knowledge around the theme of colour in art and design.
- “Mixed”: An inspiring story about colour by Arree Chung & Colour (https://theteacherscollection.com/search/?_sft_subject=art_and_design) &
- “Me!” by Michaela Dias-Hayes (https://theteacherscollection.com/search/?_sft_subject=art_and_design)
Please click on following link to register: The Learning Partnership | Course Details
Venue: Online