November 16, 2023
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This session is in two parts.
Y6 teachers led by Jemma Johnson
Part 1
This session will address how writing can be moderated to ensure that pupils’ writing standard is robustly assessed. What Greater Depth (GDS) looks like compared to Expected Standard (EXS). Assessment of writing that is Working Towards the standard. (WTS). Information on what to expect if part of a statutory moderation in the summer term.
Part 2
Experienced Key Stage 2 teachers and advisers will share ways to teach writing that reflects the interests and experiences of pupils. Our pupils come from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures which can be used to engage and excite them as writers. Suggestions for the use of texts, props, artefacts, and more will be discussed. How do we ensure that pupils have the confidence to share their writing journey with an audience?
As part of this CPD programme we will be inviting pupils to share their writing journey with an audience later in the academic year.