
Early Years: SEND survey for (1) PVIs and for (2) Parents/ carers who have a child with SEND

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Jan 18 2023

We kindly request our PVI’s to (1) complete the SEND survey for PVIs and (2) to forward the Parents & Carers SEND survey to parents/ carers who have a child with SEND. The surveys are short and should only take a few minutes to complete.

Please see below message from Peter Haylock, the operational director for Education and SEND in H&F.

I am writing to ask for your support in completing our SEND Support survey and also sharing a survey with parents and carers of children with SEND (both EHCPs and SEND support).

There are two separate surveys detailed in the attached letters:

One for you to complete with your SENCO:  SEND Survey for PVIs and Schools

One for you to share with parents:  SEND Survey for Parents & Carers 

The best way to share the parent/carer survey with parents of children with SEND would be either through an email or text message as the link should then work when shared with them.

Thank you for support with this. The deadline for completion is 31st January, 2023

Peter Haylock, Operational Director for Education and SEND, H&F Children's services

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