
EY: Escalation to level 3 for measles for some London boroughs (including H&F)

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Jun 7 2024

Dear Early Years Providers

Cases of measles are continuing to rise in London. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has decided to designate all of NWL boroughs (and other London boroughs) as level 3 for measles.

This internal escalation level is based on increasing case numbers in these areas, evidence of sustained community transmission and the capacity within Health Protection Teams (HPTs) to prioritise and ensure the most vulnerable contacts are identified and protected.

See below information on how to contact your local Health Protection Team if you need to and other helpful links:

  • Measles cases have increased locally
  • Some people are considered very vulnerable to severe measles infection. This includes immunosuppressed people, unvaccinated pregnant women and children under the age of one. Therefore, settings should be aware of how to contact Health Protection Teams if they have vulnerable contacts that have been exposed to a single or multiple cases in their setting.
  • Settings should proactively contact their occupational health and infection control teams to get advice on managing any vulnerable contacts.
  • Settings should continue to support uptake of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine - NHS ( in their settings. Vaccination is the safest and most effective way to protect against measles. Two doses of the MMR vaccine offers long term protection.
  • All educational settings have been sent a UKHSA measles resource pack Education pack for schools for measles | ADPH London.

Please see attached the full communication from UKHSA:  UKHSA London_LEVEL 3 MEASLES JUNE 2024- FINAL

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