
EY: Healthy School Award Scheme

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Jun 9 2023

Please see below information from Sam Lord about the Healthy Schools and the First Steps award.

Dear Head teachers, deputy head teachers and healthy school leads,

I hope this email finds you well.

Healthy schools have been put out to tender by the Lord Mayors office. The organization who is going to take over Healthy schools and the awards process will be the NCB (National Childrens Bureau). They will re-launch Healthy schools and the award scheme in September 2023.

I recently had a meeting with the NCB (National Children’s bureau). LBHF wanted some clarity on what is happening to expired and existing awards, due to expire before September 2023.

In the meeting I was informed of the following information.

  • If a school wants to renew their award on the old scheme, before September 2023, then the NCB will honour this, and you will receive a new award for three years.
  • If your award has expired in 2022 or is about to expire before September 2023, then your award will be extended for 1 year, from expiry date.
  • If you want to except that your award has been extended for 1 year (if expired or about to expire before September 23) then you will apply for a new award under the new scheme.
  • We have agreed that all schools, whose awards expire before September 2023, will have their awards extended for 1 year. You can, however, opt to renew your award on the old scheme, before September 2023.

Nurseries / Early Year Providers:

All nurseries and early year providers, who have a First Steps, award, please note that this does not have an expiry date.

However, updated information about the First Steps award, and how it will change,  will be available to you all from September 2023.

If you have any queries or questions regarding the new Healthy Schools award scheme, then please contact Adi at HSL [email protected].

Healthy Schools London | Healthy Schools   This is the link to the Healthy School website.

If you have any questions about your current award and status, please contact me.

thank you all in advance for your support and understanding.

With warm wishes

Sam Lord

Healthy Schools Co-ordinator

Childrens Services

Hammersmith & Fulham Council


[email protected]

Healthy Schools London | Healthy Schools





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