
EY: List any job vacancies on DWPs job website: Reminder

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Jun 6 2024

Please see update from the DfE below:

‘Do Something BIG’ early years recruitment campaign: upload vacancies to Find a Job 

The Do Something BIG recruitment campaign and website are continuing in the run up to the next stage of the childcare entitlements expansion in September 2024.   

The website directs potential applicants to use DWP’s Find a Job vacancy platform to search for early years roles in their area.  

We’d be grateful if you list your vacancies on Find a Job ahead of the next wave of the campaign. 

Please see attached ‘DWP Find a Job instructions. with guidance on how to create an account and post any current or upcoming jobs in your setting.  

Providers should use the term ‘early years’ in the title of the job adverts and select ‘Education jobs’ for the job category. 

This service is free to use and will ensure vacancies are seen by a large pool of potential candidates.  

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