
EY: Wraparound childcare programme update

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Apr 18 2024

Please see message below from Deborah Brooks, H&F Early years transformation lead.

As you will know, the government has set up a wraparound childcare programme to ensure all parents and carers of primary school-aged children who need it can access term-time childcare in their local area from 8am-6pm. The government set aside £289m of start-up funding for this programme and LBHF has been allocated a grant of £718k to deliver our extended offer.

We are now working on a delivery plan to be shared with DfE in June 2024 in which we will confirm how we will deliver additional places in the borough. As part of this, we will be writing to you shortly with guidance on how PVIs can play a role in this programme and opportunities to apply for grants to support delivery. 

In the meantime, you can read more about the programme here and what funds can and can't be spent on (p.31). We are likely to be looking for PVIs who can partner with schools that currently don't have a wraparound offer, or who have greater demand than they can currently fulfil and/or PVIs who can work in partnership with other providers or organisations to meet a gap in demand.

We also attach information from DfE: an information sheet for schools, trusts, and private, voluntary & independent (PVI) on what the wraparound programme means to you. It includes links to key documents. Please see here:  A. Wraparound childcare information sheet

Furthermore, we are also setting up an Advisory group to shape the delivery of the programme and would welcome a PVI rep to join the group, Terms of Reference are attached for your reference. Please see here: B. Childcare and wraparound advisory group ToR

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] and or [email protected]


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