
FREE Training Session for Secondary RE Coordinator/Leaders

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Apr 28 2022

Information provided by Lesley Prior from London Anglican Organisation and RE Consultant to H&F

Alexis Stones, RE PGCE Tutor at UCL is running an online CPD event with the Wallace Collection for RE teachers (specialists and non-specialists) with the amazing designer and curator Shaheen Kasmani next Thursday, 5th May. They will be exploring meaningful ways to introduce art and sacred objects into the RE curriculum at Key Stages 3 and 4, with a keen eye on collections and restitution. Alexis will look at the use of art and objects more broadly and Shaheen will introduce Islamic art, mosque lamps, Surah Al Nur and geometric patterns. Shaheen will be teaching a technique that teachers can do on their own with students and just requires a compass, ruler and pencil!

It's a one-off event from 4.15-5.45pm and they would really like as many people to join as possible to build and support interest in using art in secondary RE. Please can you send this link and the paragraph above to any RE teachers in your LA who would like to join. It's free and participants need to sign up:

Information and sign up for free:

Shaheen's website: 

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