
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

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Apr 22 2022

Information from Chris Cosker:

Reminder to schools that it is statutory to carry out the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

Key dates:

Administration and try it out areas is now open

6 – 24 June 2022 -  official check window open

24 June - Submit headteacher’s declaration form

27 June -  all schools who have submitted their HDF on Friday 24 June will be able to view initial results for their schools (including pupils’ individual scores out of 25). A Common Transfer File (CTF) of the results will also be available here to allow schools to update the Management Information System (MIS) with MTC data


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The STA has provided materials to help schools with administering the checks.  Please click on following link to view: 

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