
Penalty Notices

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May 12 2022

During the pandemic the use of Penalty Notices was suspended. As life returns to normal and travel restrictions are lifted, Penalty Notices continue to be a valuable strategy that schools can utilise to support attendance in cases of persistent absence and unauthorised holiday/leave in term-time.

ACE team continue to issue Penalty Notices, on behalf of the Local Authority, in line with the Penalty Notice Code of Conduct.  Please note that if Family Support or Social Care are involved a Penalty Notice would not be considered. For more complex cases of non-attendance referrals should be continue made in the usual way to Family Support via ICAT (0208 753 6610). 

The Penalty Notice referral form is attached along with Penalty Notice Code of Conduct.  The fully completed referral form including the checklist and accompanying documentation, should be sent to Kyria Parsons, Lead Adviser, ACE.

ACE Penalty Notice Code of Conduct


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