
Physical activity for general health benefits in disabled children and disabled young people

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Feb 23 2022

Sent on behalf of The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) has published the UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines for disabled children and young people. The publication, which is available on, is comprised of:

  1. a scientific evidence review into the benefits of physical activity;
  2. an infographic which communicates the key messages and specific guidelines on the type and intensity of physical activity for health benefits;
  3. a methodology report which provides further detail on the evidence review and the methodology for co-producing the infographic.

The infographic is the first of its kind to be coproduced with disabled children, disabled young people, their families and wider support systems, and so this resource is not only vital in fostering a more inclusive approach to promoting sports and physical activity, but also sets the standard for how research and the development of guidance, particularly those that are relevant to underserviced groups, should be actively shaped by their insights, experiences, and knowledge.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact:

Lisa Mabbs | Obesity and Healthy Weight

Diet, Obesity and Healthy Behaviours

Office for Health Improvement & Disparities

Department for Health and Social Care

39 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0EU


T: 07788 580283

Follow us on Twitter @OHID


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