
School Budget Workshop Sessions – Rescheduled.

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Nov 12 2021

Further to the cancellation of School Budget Workshops last week at short notice, we can advise that these have now been rescheduled as follows:-


Wednesday 17 November 2021 - 4-5.30pm  Please click here to register


Thursday 18 November 2021 -  9-10.30am   Please click here to register


Who are the workshops for and what will they cover?

The workshops are information sessions for all schools leaders (SLT members, School Business Managers/ Finance Directors and interested governors).

The focus of these workshops is the core funding under the National Funding Formula for all mainstream schools for reception to year 11 (All maintained, academy and free schools). Therefore the sessions are not directly relevant for Special Schools, Maintained Nursery schools or post 16 education.

The sessions are important as the final funding model will have implications for how funding increases are distributed between mainstream schools. Your feedback to the consultation is important to inform final budget decisions at Schools Forum in January 2022.

Please note that these workshops will cover the same material as the workshops held before half term on 18th and 20th October. However, following feedback early in the consultation we have modelled the impact of setting the Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) at 1.25%.

This additional provisional model represents a mid-point in the possible range of MFG options and ensures all schools receive at least 1.25% percent increase in pupil led funding from 2021/22 funding allocations. Please note that varying the MFG has the impact of allocating the available funding differently between schools. We will spend some time in the workshop exploring how changes to MFG in the model impact funding to different schools.

2022-23 Schools Budget Consultation

Budget Consultation Workshop Oct21

Appendix 1 Provisional NFF Factor Rates

Appendix 2 Provisional Allocations by Factor

Appendix 3 - Provisional Allocations by School

Appendix 4 Year on Year percentage funding increase illustration

Appendix 5 2022-23 Consultation feedback form

Appendix 6a Proposed Changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools Oct21

Appendix6b Scheme for Financing schools proposed OCT 2021

Appendix 6c Schools Financial Procedures Proposed OCT 2021


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