
Strategic SEND Documents

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Sep 8 2023

Dear all

I hope the start of the new term has been a success for you all!

I wanted to draw your attention to a number of key strategic documents that have now been published. You will be familiar with many of these documents following the extensive work coproducing these and during the consultation phase.

These have now been finalised and uploaded to the H&F Local Offer. They should form an integral part of your planning and provision for SEND pupils.


  1. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategy

Our SEND Strategy sets out Hammersmith & Fulham’s local area commitment to improve the educational, health and emotional wellbeing and life outcomes for all young people in the borough aged 0 to 25 years who have SEND, while promoting inclusion.

This strategy sits alongside our Early Intervention Strategy (PDF, 3.9MB) and SEND Sufficiency Review (PDF, 511KB) and will align with other strategies as they are refreshed and developed, including our Joint Commissioning, Co-production, and Autism strategies.


H&F Local Area Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy 2023-2028 (PDF, 1.96MB)


  1. Ordinarily Available Provision 

Information for professionals, parents and carers

The Ordinarily Available Provision sets out the description of the provision that should be ordinarily available for pupils in education settings in H&F. These provisions should be made within the existing structures of funding for 

  • Early Years education settings
  • LA maintained schools, academies, and free schools
  • Colleges of further education

The descriptions and examples in the document define ordinarily or normally available educational provision for pupils and students who have SEND. 


H&F Ordinarily Available Provision.pdf (PDF, 1.68MB)


  1. SEND profile of need

The Profile of Need is a document that should be used jointly with the Ordinarily Available Guidance. This document is designed to give a clearer understanding of an individual’s needs. Each case is different, so the document should be used only as a guidance profiling tool for the child/young person to provide a general indication of the level of provision that may be required through universal, targeted and specialist provision which aligns to our graduated approach to meeting needs in H&F.


H&F SEND Profile of Need.pdf (PDF, 920.05KB)


  1. Medical Needs Guidance for Professionals

The guidance draws on national policy and legislation to develop a local approach to multi-agency working. It provides guidance on processes schools and partners should follow, key roles and responsibilities, and training and other resources available to support schools in meeting the individual needs of pupils with medical conditions in Hammersmith & Fulham.

Medical needs policy | London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (

Kind regards

Peter Haylock

Operational Director for Education and SEND, Children's services, Hammersmith & Fulham Council

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