
Summer Assessments EYFSP 2023

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Apr 26 2023

Key Stage Assessments, Summer 2019

As in previous years, we will be collecting Early Years Foundation Stage data, and submitting to the DfE for all schools.

Please send us all data files via DfE s2s by the dates below:



26 June Midday

LA deadline for EYFSP

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) Data Collection 2023

 Schools must complete an EYFS profile for each child. Each child must be assessed against the 17 Early Learning Goals (ELGs). Teachers are expected to use their professional judgement to make these assessments, based on their knowledge and understanding of what the child knows, understands, and can do. The goals are there to be used to assess children at the end of reception year, rather than for pre-school children.

The submission period for EYFSP returns from schools to LA is during the week 26th to 30th June. The DfE deadline for schools to return EYFSP is 30 June 2023.

The Department requires that the school/setting record an assessment score for each of the 17 Early Learning Goals:

  • Communication and Language
    • Listening, Attention and Understanding
    • Speaking
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    • Self-Regulation
    • Managing Self
    • Building Relationships
  • Physical Development
    • Gross Motor Skills
    • Fine Motor Skills
  • Literacy
    • Comprehension
    • Word Reading
    • Writing
  • Mathematics
    • Number
    • Numerical Patterns
  • Understanding the World
    • Past and Present
    • People Culture and Communities
    • The Natural World
  • Expressive Arts and Design
    • Creating with Materials
    • Being Imaginative and Expressive

Further information on these ELG’s can be found on the DfE handbook Annex A on pages 19 to 22.

The EYFSP results should be logged in your Schools MIS and exported and sent to the LA by 26th June. Please submit EYFSP returns to the LA via DfE’s s2s system. Please email to inform us you have done so.

Finally, please remember that the DFE and the STA require that all data must be checked by head teachers before submission.

The following documents will help you complete the return:

Early Years foundation stage exemplification materials

We strongly encourage earlier submission, where possible, to give us time to process the results and make the usual checks.

Once you have submitted your data files to us, you will need to log in to Perspective Lite, as in previous years, to check and confirm your summary data.

Contact your SIMS Support (usually 3BM 020 7605 8322)

Please contact me, if you have any queries or issues.

Thank you,

H&F Education Data Team


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