
Update on the Work of the Youth Council, Youth Cabinet and Youth Voice Drop In

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Jul 1 2022

Youth Cabinet are hosting Monthly Youth Voice Drop in sessions open to all young people.

Can you help us promote and get other more young people involved!

Our newly elected Youth Cabinet, Ben (Youth Mayor), Niamh (Deputy Youth Mayor), Anastasia (Member of Youth Parliament) and Vince (Deputy MYP) have had a flying start to their term in office.

Elected on March 23rd through borough wide elections, they have completed their induction, attended various events and functions with the former Mayor Cllr PJ Murphy and UK Youth Parliament. They also attended Full Council to present their ideas for their manifesto.

You can keep up with their activities here:

Hammersmith & Fulham Youth Council | LBHF

They are passionate that the borough is the best it possibly can be for young people and that the opportunities and support available to them are what they want and need – that they are co-produced with young people.

They want to reach out and get the views of ALL young people and share information in a way that is accessible and meaningful for them.

Ben, the Youth Mayor is of Afghan origin and wants to be a supportive role model to the young Afghan refugees. He has arranged to visit them regularly to build relationship and capture their views. They are also considering a project to support Ukrainian refugees.

They are leading Youth Council to develop their manifesto on 4 key areas:

  • Mental health and emotional well-being
  • Staying safe
  • Life skills
  • Access to work experience and employment

In addition to the weekly virtual meetings they lead for Youth Council, they are also hosting monthly drop in sessions, open to all young people in various locations throughout the borough.

They hosted one at Sands End Community Centre on Tuesday 7th June 22 (photo below) attended by 22 young people.

The youth led sessions are fun, relaxed and informal, a chance for everyone to get to know each other in person (away from the virtual meetings)

Include games and interactive activities,

Give a safe space for young people to share their ideas and talk about the issues affecting them

Those that want to can get more involved in Youth Council

The next drop in will be at Fulham Library in the Exhibition Space from 5pm on 5th July- and will be focused on the co-design of future youth provision

Please email if young people want to come along.

This video from Anastasia and Niamh explains the sessions to young people- please help them to promote this to the young people you work with.

The hope is they will then want to get more actively involved in Youth Council…

Do get in touch if you need any further info or there are any opportunities for promotion 😊

Brenda Whinnett

Youth Voice Coordinator

Email address:

Mobile: 07881801234




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