Part-time timetable arrangements should be reported to the Local Authority as soon as possible and within two weeks of the arrangement being put into place. The Local Authority has a duty to monitor the use of part-time timetable arrangements and as such schools are required to report to the Local Authority when a reduced… Continue reading Reduced Timetables
Dear Colleagues, Please use the link below to notify the Local Authority of a suspension: Notification of suspension Further Exclusion Guidance can be found here: ACE reference manual | London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham School suspensions and permanent exclusions – GOV.UK
Healthy Schools Award (HSL) The Healthy Schools programme is a well-evidenced ‘whole-school approach’ that enables schools to achieve an environment, ethos and culture that helps to promote the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff. There are three levels of award- Bronze, Silver and Gold. The tiered structure of the award is designed to help… Continue reading H&F Healthy Schools
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) is a widely used term to describe children who are experiencing difficulties attending school related to their social, emotional, or psychological wellbeing. EBSA is not a diagnosis and instead refers to a pattern of behaviour or a coping strategy the child is using to manage how they are feeling. EBSA… Continue reading Emotionally Based School Avoidance Guidance and Resources for Schools
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