
RE Newsletter Summer Term 2022– First Edition

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Apr 29 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the first edition of the RE Newsletter for Community Schools for this final term of the academic year:  

Primary Newsletter Summer 2022 1

I do hope that you are all enjoyed a well-deserved break during the spring holiday period – whether you were celebrating Easter, Holi, Pesach or Vaisakhi (or any other festival!), marking Ramadan or simply enjoying some time for yourselves, I trust you had a restful and relaxing  time! I will look forward to catching up with you at the different Network Meetings, or perhaps in visits to you in your schools. It has also been lovely to keep in touch via the various WhatsApp Groups that exist for Primary Subject Leaders in RE in many LAs now. Please contact me with your name, school and LA if you would like to be added.

Remember that I am always here to offer you help, advice and support with RE (or Collective Worship). You may be:

  • preparing teaching and learning
  • reviewing and revising RE documentation such as schemes of learning and policy statements
  • organising existing resources and/or selecting new ones
  • developing your own subject knowledge.

I would be delighted to hear from you. Do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to make an appointment and I can assist you in person, online, by email or over the telephone.

Lesley Prior

Adviser for RE in Community Schools

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